Analytics glossary
New conversations
Term name New conversations Purpose Track new work resulting from a new inbound or outbound message. Example use case: Seeing many messages, but few...
Resolved conversations
Note: The information in this article applies to conversations using ticket statuses . If you’re assigning conversation stages to your conversatio...
Live dashboard metrics glossary
Workload metrics are available in the Analytics Live dashboard . These metrics help you track your team’s volume of conversations and identify your ...
Messages received
Term name Messages received Purpose Track volume of incoming communications. Is especially useful if the number of messages per conversation varies wi...
Time to completion (avg)
Term name Time to completion (avg) Purpose Track how long it takes for your chat visitor to complete your chatbot flow. This will give you a better se...
Drop-off rate (%)
Term name Drop-off rate (%) Purpose Track how many chat visitors begin a chatbot flow in your chat widget but do not complete the chatbot flow. Use th...
Deflection rate (%)
Term name Deflection rate (%) Purpose Track how often your chatbot flow fully resolves a chat visitor’s inquiry. This helps you understand how much yo...
Chats deflected
Term name Chats deflected Purpose Track the number of times your chatbot flow fully resolves a chat visitor’s inquiry. This helps you understand how m...
Flows completed
Term name Flows completed Purpose Track how many chat visitors complete a chatbot flow in your chat widget. This metric helps you understand how often...
Flows initiated
Term name Flows initiated Purpose Track how many chat visitors began a chatbot flow in your chat widget. This helps you understand the “reach” of your...
Messages with SLA
Term name Messages with SLA Purpose Track messages where your team was expected to respond within an SLA. Example use case: Comparing Messages with...
Resolution time
Note: The information in this article applies to conversations using ticket statuses . If you’re assigning conversation stages to your conversatio...
Time in resolved
Term name Time in resolved Purpose Track how long conversations were considered done but were resumed. Definition Total time that a resolved conversa...
Time in waiting
Term name Time in waiting Purpose Track how long teammates are waiting for more input. Definition Total time that a resolved conversation segment sp...
Time in open
Term name Time in open Purpose Track how long conversations are being worked on. Definition Total time that a resolved conversation segment spent in...
Time in ticket status
Term name Time in [ticket status] Purpose Track how long conversations stay in a specific ticket status. Definition Total time that a conversation se...
Unresolved conversations
Note: The information in this article applies to conversations using ticket statuses . If you’re assigning conversation stages to your conversatio...
Resolved on first reply
Note: The information in this article applies to conversations using ticket statuses . If you’re assigning conversation stages to your conversatio...
Handle time
Term name Handle time Purpose Track the amount of time spent crafting a response. This is an internal/productivity point-of-view metric focused solely...
First reply time
Term name First reply time Purpose Track the length of time a customer has to wait initially before they receive a reply from you. This is a customer...
Reply time
Term name Reply time Purpose Track the length of time a customer has to wait before they receive a reply from you. This is a customer point-of-view me...
Replies to resolution
Note: The information in this article applies to conversations using ticket statuses . If you’re assigning conversation stages to your conversatio...
Total views
Term name Total views Purpose Understand the general volume of traffic for your knowledge base and check engagement. For specific pages: Identify whic...
Articles updated
Term name Articles updated Purpose Understand how many knowledge base articles were updated by content editors. Use this metric to gauge the output of...
Articles viewed
Term name Articles viewed Purpose Determine if time is spent maintaining large portions of the knowledge base that are not being visited. You can use ...
Unique visitors
Term name Unique visitors Purpose Understand the reach of your knowledge base. Use this information to help inform and improve your discoverability st...
Unique views
Term name Unique views Purpose Understand how widespread the reach of a page is in order to improve discoverability or accessibility. Definition Coun...
Conversation stages vs. ticketing resolution metrics
On October 8, 2024, Front introduced ticketing features to give teams greater control over the status of their conversations. This new functionality i...
Replies sent
Term name Replies sent Purpose Track the volume of work produced by your teammates, focusing on replies to clients. Example use case: As a support a...
Conversation stages metrics glossary
Note: The information in this article applies to conversations using conversation stages . If you’re assigning ticket statuses to your conversatio...
Active teammates
Term name Active teammates Purpose Track team capacity during a report period or during specific times of day. Example use case: Comparing the heatm...
SLA breach time (avg)
Term name SLA breach time (avg) Purpose Track how quickly your team reacted to an SLA breach, once triggered. Example use case: In addition to monit...
Assigned conversations
Term name Assigned conversations Purpose Measure the amount of work owned by a specific teammate. Example use case: Easily see who has too much on ...
Touched conversations
Term name Touched conversations Purpose Measure collaboration and contribution by looking at all conversations where your teammates helped in some for...
SLA achievement (%)
Term name SLA achievement (%) Purpose Track whether your team is hitting your SLA goals. Example use case: As a team, you agree to meet your 2-hour ...
SLA warnings
Term name SLA warnings Purpose Track replies that are approaching SLA breach, but not yet in breach. This acts as a warning signal for you to attend t...
SLA breaches
Term name SLA breaches Purpose Track conversations where you were too slow in getting back to your customers. Example use case: Check how often brea...
Archived with reply
Term name Archived with reply Purpose Track handled conversations that required interaction with your customers, as opposed to conversations that were...
AI Answers for Front Chat metrics glossary
AI Answers metrics are available in the Chatbots report . These metrics help you understand how AI Answers performs in your Front chatbot and how e...
Closed workload
Term name Closed workload Purpose Track workload that has been completed. Example use case: See all conversations where attention is no longer requi...
New workload
Term name New workload Purpose Track new workload to be tackled. Example use case: See additional conversations that required attention each day, wh...
Reopened conversations
Term name Reopened conversations Purpose Track the volume of work on previously-archived conversations. Example use case: When reopened conversatio...
Active conversations
Term name Active conversations Purpose Track the volume of conversations in which any activity occurred. Example use case: Spot unusual volumes and...
Messages sent
Term name Messages sent Purpose Track volume of outgoing communications. A good indicator of overall work accomplished by teammates. Example use cas...
Click-through rate (%)
Term name Click-through rate (%) Purpose Determine if visitors are finding the articles they’re searching for. Low click-through rate could indicate t...
Search results (avg)
Term name Search results (avg) Purpose Ensure that there is content in the knowledge base for information that visitors care about. Keywords with no r...
Total searches
Term name Total searches Purpose Track how frequently keywords are searched. This can help identify gaps in content if readers are constantly searchin...
Conversations tagged
Term name Conversations tagged Purpose Track the volume of conversations in which any activity occurred. Example use case: Spot unusual volumes and...
Messages with templates
Purpose Show overall usage of shared message templates. Although not always possible for every team, a high number indicates the team’s communication ...
Total reply time (avg)
Term name Total reply time (avg) Purpose Total time your customer spent waiting for replies across the entire conversation. Example use case: Under...
Archived conversations
Term name Archived conversations Purpose Track conversations that were handled during the time period of the report and required no more actions at th...
Conversation segments
Term name Conversation segments Purpose Creates segmentation for long conversations. It is especially useful for channels such as chat or SMS, where c...
Message templates sent
Purpose Illustrate how often a teammate is making use of team message templates to increase efficiency. Differences in team message template usage a...
Customer reply rate (%)
Purpose Illustrate whether the message sent by the teammate was interesting or useful enough to receive a reply from the customer. Definition Percenta...
Satisfaction score (avg)
Term name Satisfaction score (avg) Purpose Track the overall satisfaction of your customers with your product or service. For more information, refer ...
Satisfaction score (%)
Term name Satisfaction score (%) Purpose Track the overall satisfaction of your customers with your product or service. For more information, refer to...
Removed this period
Term name Removed this period Purpose Track specific processes where tags are not there to stay, similar to SLA breaches. Example use case: Your te...
Added this period
Term name Added this period Purpose Track specific processes where tags are not there to stay, similar to SLA breaches. Example use case: Your team...
Conversations with tag changes
Term name Conversations with tag changes Purpose Track specific processes where tags are not there to stay, similar to SLA breaches. Example use cas...
Tag duration (avg)
Term name Tag duration (avg) Purpose Track specific processes where tags are not there to stay, similar to SLA breaches. Example use case: Your tea...
Conversations in breach at end
Term name Conversations in breach at end Purpose Track how many conversations are still in SLA breach at the end of the time period of a report. Exa...
Messages sent (excluding replies)
Term name Messages sent (excluding replies) Purpose Track the volume of work your teammates have produced by focusing on conversations they initiated....
Reaction time (avg)
Term name Reaction time (avg) Purpose Track the average length of time for an action to be taken on a new conversation after a new inbound is received...
Open at end
Term name Open at end Purpose Track work not yet completed at the end of the time period. Example use case: If your team ended the period with a hig...
First reaction time (avg)
Term name First reaction time (avg) Purpose Track the average length of time for the first action on a new conversation. This is a useful metric if yo...
Conversations tagged %
Term name Conversations tagged % Purpose Track how impactful a certain tag is. Tags can represent anything you need them to. Example use case: Creat...
Open at start
Term name Open at start Purpose Track work from previous periods that carried over to this period. Example use case: If your team starts each period...
Moved into inbox
Term name Moved into inbox Purpose Track new work coming from a different inbox. Example use case: If your company has an escalation system to move ...
Moved out of inbox
Term name Moved out of inbox Purpose Track work being escalated or reassigned to a different inbox. Example use case: High values for Moved out of ...
Archived without reply
Term name Archived without reply Purpose Track handled conversations that did not require an interaction with your customers. Example use case: Chec...