Drop-off rate (%)


Term name

Drop-off rate (%)


Track how many chat visitors begin a chatbot flow in your chat widget but do not complete the chatbot flow. Use this metric to:

  1. Track an additional deflection metric.

  2. Identify friction with the chatbot experience. This metric can indicate that the chatbot flow may be too long or poorly structured, potentially leading to chat visitors dropping out of frustration. Use this information to make improvements to your chatbot and improve CSAT.


Count of chat visitors who don’t reach the end of a path in your chatbot flow over count of visitors who begin interacting with your chatbot flow.

Location & attribution

Chatbots report

  • Chatbot performance table

  • Chatbot performance over time graph


  • If a visitor clicks into the chat widget but doesn’t interact with the chatbot flow, they won’t be included in the drop-off rate metric.

  • The drop-off rate metric does not show the specific steps where visitors dropped off.

  • This is a real-time metric - customers currently in the middle of your chatbot flow will be captured in this metric until they complete the chatbot flow.