Open at end


Term name

Open at end


Track work not yet completed at the end of the time period.


Example use case: If your team ended the period with a higher backlog of Open at end than it started with Open at start, it could signal that they have too much work to handle.


Count of conversation segments with activity during the report period, or within the 7 days prior, that remained open at the end of the period.

Location & attribution

  • Conversations report

    • What Happened chart - represented by the Remaining open metric.

    • Conversation Flows chart

    • Inboxes table - Conversations segments are counted for an inbox if they were in that inbox at the end of the reporting period.


  • Only conversation segments with activity in the period, or within the 7 days prior, are eligible to be considered Open at end. Therefore, the number you see in analytics may not match the Open counters visible in your main Front inbox if you have old, untouched conversations in your inbox.

  • Open at end is measured independently for each time period shown in the What Happened graph. Therefore, although they share the same definition, the Remaining open number in the What Happened chart will only match the Open at end number in the Conversation Flows diagram in the last time period shown in the What Happened graph.

  • For example, you are analyzing last week’s data, and a conversation is new on Monday, closed on Tuesday, reopened on Wednesday, and remained open on Friday. It would appear once as Open at end in the Conversation Flows diagram, but twice as Remaining open in the What Happened chart (on Monday and Friday).

  • When a teammate filter is applied to the Conversations report, conversations will be counted if the teammate took any action (sent a message, commented, etc.) over the course of the conversation.