Team performance report



The Team performance report is the ideal place to monitor your team productivity, identify when your team is overloaded, and help you make the right decisions to best serve your customers. You can understand how each of your teams perform and the volume of conversations each person participates in.

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Report sections

Main metrics cards


  • Three Main metrics cards are featured here to call out the metrics that had the biggest changes from the previous time period.

  • Click the gear icon at the top right of this section to select which metrics you want to display, listed below.

  • Each card displays the name of the metric, the current measurement, and the change compared to the previous period.

  • Click on each metric to see the metric details-- how it was calculated and which conversations were counted into the metric.

List of metrics

  1. Messages sent

  2. Reply time (avg)

  3. First reply time (avg)

  4. Total reply time (avg)

  5. Handle time (avg)

  6. Archived with reply

  7. Archived conversations

  8. Active teammates

Busiest times heatmap


  • The Busiest times heatmap shows when your busiest times are, populated from the metric data you choose. Use this heatmap to help determine when you may need more staffing.

  • Click the dropdown menu to choose which metric you want to view as a heatmap. The full list of metrics is below.

  • A color legend on the top right shows the range for the metric, with darkest being the most busy.

  • Top times allow you to pinpoint hotspots by listing the four busiest times from your heatmap.

  • The heatmap shows your business hours by default. To see all 24 hours, click the Popout button to see the heatmap in its own window.

  • Click on each metric to see the metric details-- how it was calculated and which conversations were counted into the metric.

List of metrics

  1. New conversations

  2. Messages received

  3. Messages sent

  4. Resolved conversations

  5. Unresolved conversations

  6. Active teammates

Team performance table


  • The Team performance table contains all teammates involved in the conversations selected using the report filters.

  • When selecting specific teammates in the Teammates filter, the report will include the selected teammates and any additional teammates that have sent messages or taken actions in the selected conversations. Check the "Display only selected teammates" checkbox to only view teammates selected in the Teammates filter.

  • Use the search bar to find a specific teammate.

  • Click the gear icon at the top right of this section to select which metrics you want to display, listed below.

  • Customize how many rows you'd like to display on each page using the Rows per page on the bottom left.

  • Click the arrows and numbers on the bottom right to view additional pages.

  • Click on each metric to see the metric details-- how it was calculated and which conversations were counted into the metric.

List of metrics

  1. Assigned conversations

  2. Touched conversations

  3. Messages sent

  4. Replies sent

  5. Messages sent (excluding replies)

  6. Reply time (avg)

  7. First reply time (avg)

  8. Total reply time (avg)

  9. Reaction time (avg)

  10. First reaction time (avg)

  11. Handle time (avg)

  12. Archived conversations

  13. Archived with reply

  14. SLA breaches (when assignee)

  15. Message templates sent

  16. SLA achieved (%)

  17. Satisfaction score (%)

  18. Email (login email address of the teammate)


Set up a new report view by following this guide.


Analytics are available on the Growth plan or above. Some legacy plans may also allow access to this feature.