Customer Satisfaction report
The Customer Satisfaction report shows your impact and efficiency with your customers that you have interacted with during the selected time period, including the volume of messages and reply times.
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The Customer Satisfaction donut chart will show the breakdown of your CSAT ratings and the overall average listed in the middle of the circle. The key will be listed to the right of the chart.
The Survey comments section to the right of the donut chart shows recent CSAT ratings and comments that were received; including the customer name, their rating, and the date. If a customer did not provide an email address with their rating, the customer name will display as Anonymous.
You can export CSAT ratings and comments using the export icon in the Survey comments section. The file will include: the customer name, customer email, the Account name, their rating, their comment, the name of the teammate who received the rating, the message date, and the name of the inbox the conversation is in. Data for conversations in multiple inboxes will display in one row per inbox.
Click on each metric to see the metric details; how it was calculated, which conversations were counted into the metric, and the CSAT comments.
If you want to see CSAT scores attributed to specific teammates, do not use the Teammate filter on the report, which filters for any actions taken by the teammate. Instead, use the Team Performance report's Teammates table to see teammate CSAT scores.
List of metrics
The Changes Over Time chart visualizes your average CSAT rating over the period of time you've selected for the report.
Click the dropdown menu on the top left to view the data as the CSAT percentage or the CSAT average score.
Click Compare to previous period to see the previous week's data added to the graph.
Hover over points in the line graph to see specific metrics for each time increment.
Click on each metric to see the metric details; how it was calculated and which conversations were counted into the metric.
List of metrics
The Contacts and Accounts tables provide customer-specific metrics for the contacts/accounts you've interacted with during your reporting period.
Account-based analytics are a feature on the Scale plan or above, while the Contacts table is available on all plans with Analytics.
Accounts is the default view if you are on the Scale plan or above, and Contacts can be selected under the View by dropdown.
Type in the search box to find specific customers.
Click the gear icon at the top right of the table to select which metrics to display, listed below.
List of metrics
Set up a new report view by following this guide.
The Customer Satisfaction report is available on the Growth plan or above. Account-based analytics are a feature on the Scale plan or above. Some legacy plans with different names may also allow access to this report.