Teammate status colors - See who's online



Collaboration works best when you know if your teammates are available! In Front, you can see your teammates' status via colored indicators next to their names.

Teammate status colors

Status colors are determined by teammate status changes or their device's connection to Front or the internet.

💚 Green:

  • They set their status as available or do not disturb.

  • One of their devices is currently connected to our push system and is able to receive real-time events.

❤️ Red: They set their status as out of office.

🩶 Grey: None of their devices are connected to receive real-time events. i.e. No accounts are connected to the internet or they moved to a non-Front app on mobile.

How to change your status

Step 1

Click your avatar at the top right corner of Front, then click the bell icon.

Step 2

Use the toggles to update your status:

  • Out of office: Toggle on to set yourself out of office. Toggle off to set yourself available.

  • Do not disturb: Toggle on to mute notifications. You'll see your status indicator appear orange, but your teammates will see it as green.

  • Schedule: Select times to automatically mute notifications. You'll see your status indicator appear orange, but your teammates will see it as green.

Step 3

Your status color will automatically update based on your selection.

Where to see teammate status

Assigning conversations

When you assign a conversation to a teammate, you will see what their status is, so that you can decide whether you want to move forward with the assignment, as well as have an expectation for response time from the teammate.

Mentions in comments and discussions

When you @mention a teammate in comments, you will see their status so that you know whether they are available.

Analytics live dashboard

When you review your live dashboard data in Front Analytics, you'll see teammate status indicators in the assignee fields.

Teammates list

⚠️ This is a legacy feature. Front companies created after Jan 26, 2023 use views to add teammate assignment queues to the sidebar.

You can add a list of teammates to the bottom left of your Front sidebar, and see the colored status indicator for selected teammates.