Connecting Gmail accounts

Learn how to connect Gmail accounts, Google Groups, and Gmail aliases to Front
Coming from Gmail?
As you start working in Front, you'll see some new terms that correspond with features you're familiar with in Gmail. See the list below to get starte...
How to choose between creating a Google Group or a Gmail user account
If you're using Google Apps and want to add a new shared inbox in Front, you have two options. See below for a comparison of features/benefits. Setup ...
How to add a Gmail account
Follow these instructions to add your Gmail account to either an individual or shared inbox in Front. A Gmail account is an email account that you or ...
How to add a Google Group
Follow these instructions to add your Google Group to a shared inbox in Front. A Google Group is a free mail option that Google provides to companies ...
How to add a Gmail alias
Follow these instructions to add your Gmail alias address to Front. An alias is an additional email address associated with a primary Gmail account....
Gmail history import and sync
⚠️ This behavior applies to Front companies with a start date of Aug 16, 2023 or later. See this article for legacy sync behavior. When you connect ...
Gmail history import and sync [legacy]
⚠️ This legacy behavior applies to Front companies with a start date before Aug 16, 2023. See this article for the latest sync behavior. When you...
How to use Google Workspace advanced mail routing with Front
Google Workspace advanced mail routing can be used to redirect messages received by your organization's email addresses to Front's forwarding (SMTP) ...
Configuring Google Workspace accounts to send via Gmail SMTP Relay
You can connect Google Workspace user accounts to Front, and send outbound email via Gmail’s SMTP Relay in order to access higher daily sending limi...