Coming from Gmail?



As you start working in Front, you'll see some new terms that correspond with features you're familiar with in Gmail. See the list below to get started.

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Front terminology





Use tags to track certain topics, sort messages and report on trends in analytics. Tags can also be used as private folders to file your messages into. Upon connecting your Gmail account, your Gmail labels will be synced to Front automatically as tags.

See this article to learn more about using tags.

Star, Priority Inbox, Importance Marker

Highlighting Tags

Highlight conversations by using tags in the conversation panel. By customizing your tags with an eye-catching color or a favorite emoji, you'll be able to easily identify which conversations to work on first and act on them with more efficiency.

See this article to learn more about highlighting tags.

Read / Unread

Open / Archive

Instead of marking actionable messages as "unread", keep them in your inbox until the action is complete. Once complete, archive the conversation or to boomerang it back to your inbox later, click the clock at the top to snooze.

See this article to learn more about read vs. unread, and this article to learn more about snoozing messages.


Send, Send & Archive, Send Later, Send & Snooze

Front allows you to reply to a message in four ways: Send, Send & Archive, Send Later, and Send & Snooze. We encourage you to mainly use "Send & Archive" to keep your inbox tidy. Clicking "Send & Archive" means you've replied to the message, closed the issue and the conversation will move out of your open inbox.

See this article to learn more about the sending options in the composer.



Archiving in Front is a way to clear our your inbox. Archived emails are available in the Archived tab, or use advanced search to find an archived conversation.

See this article to learn more about archiving messages.