

Views create a tailored work queue in users’ sidebars, making it easy to track and manage high-priority, categorized messages. They can be set up at an individual or workspace level by saving a refined set of criteria that’s customized across specific inboxes, tags, and assignees.

This is most helpful when users need to track a collection of important conversations that meet specific criteria. For example, if it’s part of a user’s daily workflow to handle conversations with all tags pertaining to SLA breaches for a certain set of accounts, they can create a view to see an aggregate of all “SLA breach” tags across multiple shared inboxes.

Additionally, views can be used for their message counters, so that no conversation goes unanswered, or if managers want to track the workload of their reports.  

This is the new version of our legacy views feature.

When to use views

Creating custom work queues

You can use views to focus on conversations in specific shared inboxes and tags. Examples:

  • Focus on one topic at a time, by selecting one tag and multiple inboxes. E.g. Select the Urgent tag and the Tier 1 and Tier 2 inboxes.

  • Aggregate high-priority conversations across multiple sources, by selecting multiple inboxes and tags. E.g. Select 3 inboxes and 5 critical tags like SLA breach, SLA risk, Urgent, Angry customer, and Escalation.

Monitoring team workloads

As a manager, you can use views to monitor a team member’s or team’s workload. Examples:

  • View conversations assigned to specific teammates, by creating a view per teammate. E.g. Anthony’s queue, Patrick’s queue.

  • View conversations assigned amongst a team, by creating a view with multiple teammates selected. E.g. Team A queue, Team B queue.


Individual views: None

Shared views:

  • You must have the Scale plan or above with Front

  • You must have the Shared inboxes  - create / edit / delete / manage access permission to create shared views. By default, workspace admins have this permission.

Individual views

Creating views

Step 1

Hover over the Views section in your sidebar. Click the three-dot icon, then Create view.

Step 2

A pop-up will appear. Fill in the following fields:

  • Name: Enter the name of the view, which displays in the sidebar.

  • Color or emoji: Select a color or emoji, which displays in the sidebar.

  • Workspace: Select the workspace where the conversations are located. Only one workspace can be selected per view.

  • Inboxes: Select shared inboxes to focus on.

  • Include tags (optional): Select shared tags to focus on.

  • Exclude tags (optional): Select shared tags OR conversations with no tags to omit from the view.

  • Assignees (optional): Select assignees to focus on OR assignees to exclude from the view.

Step 3

Click Create to finish creating your view. The view will be added to your sidebar.

You can also hover over the view to quickly see its settings.

Editing or deleting views

Step 1

Hover over the view you’d like to manage in your sidebar. Click the three-dot menu, then click Edit view.

Step 2

You can adjust any field except the workspace field. Click Save when finished, or Delete to remove the view.

Shared views

Creating views

Step 1

Click the gear icon on the top right of Front and into the Company settings tab. Click Views in the left sidebar. 

For companies with multiple workspaces, views are set up per workspace.

Step 2

Click Create view.

Step 3

Fill in the following fields:

  • Name: Enter the name of the view, which displays in the sidebar.

  • Color or emoji: Select a color or emoji, which displays in the sidebar.

  • Inboxes: Select shared inboxes to focus on.

  • Include tags (optional): Select shared tags to focus on.

  • Exclude tags (optional): Select shared tags OR conversations with no tags to omit from the view.

  • Assignees (optional): Select teammates to focus on OR assignees to exclude from the view.

  • Teammate sidebars: Select which teammates you want to proactively push the view to. Only teammates with access to the selected inboxes are listed. This new view will automatically appear in the selected teammates' sidebars.

Step 4

Click Create. Your new view will be listed under the Views section in the sidebars for all teammates you selected to share to view with.

Editing views

Step 1

Click the gear icon on the top right of Front and into the Company settings tab. Click Views in the left sidebar.

Step 2

Click on the view you’d like to edit, or click the three-dot menu and Edit view.

Step 3

Make any adjustments to your view, then click Save. Any changes will be visible to all teammates with access to the view.

If you make a change to which inboxes are included in the view, and one of the teammates you previously shared the view with does not have access to an added inbox, they will lose access to the view and see an error message.

Deleting views

Step 1

Click the gear icon on the top right of Front and into the Company settings tab. Click Views in the left sidebar.

Step 2

Click the name of the view you’d like to delete, or click the three-dot menu and Delete.

Step 3

If inside the view settings, click Delete view.

Step 4

Click Delete permanently to confirm. This will delete the view for all teammates who had access.


Can I add and hide views from my sidebar?

Yes. Like tags or inboxes, you can hide views from your sidebar. You can also show views not currently in your sidebar by editing your sidebar.

Can I select my personal inbox or tags when creating a view?

Not yet. Views are currently limited to shared inboxes and shared tags.

Can I select more than one workspace?

No. A single view can only support shared inboxes from one workspace at a time.

How many inboxes, tags, or teammates can I select in a view?

You can select up to 50 shared inboxes, 50 shared tags, and 50 teammates per view.

Can I see which teammates have access to a view?

No. Admins won’t be able to see which teammates they previously shared a view with, nor can they see which teammates actively have the view added to their sidebars.

Can I use teammate groups with views?

Not yet. Teammate groups cannot be used in the assignee or teammate sharing fields.


Individual views are available on all plans. Shared views are available on the Scale plan or above. Some legacy plans may also have this feature.