Analytics messages export
The Messages export is one of two export types when you export an Analytics view. The exported file will contain one line per message received in the time period you selected. Below is an explanation of each column in the export.
All timestamps in the file are formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss, in the requested user's time zone. Information provided reflects the conversation segment data at the time the export was generated.
Exported fields
Message ID: Internal Front ID of the message.
Conversation ID: Internal Front ID of the conversation.
Ticket IDs: Ticket IDs attached to the conversation.
Segment: Segment of the conversation.
Direction: Inbound or Outbound.
Status: Current status of the conversation: Archived or Open.
Inbox: Name of the inbox where the message currently lives. If the message appeared in multiple inboxes, the activity will appear one time for each inbox value.
Inbox API ID: External Front ID of the inbox.
Inbox at activity time: List of inboxes where the message lived immediately after the activity was recorded. If the message appeared in multiple inboxes, the activity will appear one time for each inbox value. If the activity represents a move from one inbox to another, the ending inbox is recorded.
Inbox API IDs at activity time: External Front IDs for the list of inboxes where the message lived immediately after the activity was recorded.
Message date: Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss, in the requested user's time zone. The date range filter is tied to this field.
Autoreply: Indicates whether this message is an automated reply, 1 is yes, 0 is no.
Reaction time: Time (in seconds) taken to assign/reassign an inbound message to another teammate (not to self), send a reply, or archive.
Total reply time: Duration (in seconds) that a contact was kept waiting for a reply from the team during a conversation segment.
Handle time: Duration (in seconds) between starting a draft in a conversation and sending a reply.
Response time: Duration (in seconds) between an inbound message and the next outbound message in the same conversation. Corresponds to Reply time in analytics reports.
Attributed to: Username of the teammate involved, or for inbounds, the teammate that responded to or archived the message. Note that in case of assignments made by rules, the field is left blank.
Assignee: Username of the teammate who was the assignee for this conversation.
Author: Username of the teammate who replied to the email.
Contact name: Contact's first and last name.
Contact handle: Contact's email address, Twitter handle, or phone number (depending on the source of the message).
Account names: Account the contact is linked to. Accounts are not retroactively applied to existing messages.
To: Email address of the recipient.
CC: Email address of those CC'ed on the email.
BCC: Email address of those BCC'ed on the email.
Extract: Sample of the message body (200 character limit).
Tags: Tags currently attached to the conversation.
Tag API IDs: External Front IDs of the tags attached to the conversation.
Message API ID: External Front ID of the message.
Conversation API ID: External Front ID of the conversation.
New conversation: Indicates whether this message is the first of a new conversation or segment, 1 is yes, 0 is no.
First response: Indicates whether this message is the first reply to a new inbound conversation or segment, 1 is yes, 0 is no.
Business hours: Indicates whether the message occurred within business hours, 1 is yes, 0 is no.
Subject: Subject of the conversation.
Segment start: The date and time of the first activity for any new segment.
Segment end:
If segment is currently open: The date and time the segment is expected to close (moved to inactive state). This date can change if additional activities are added to the segment.
If segment is closed: The date and time the segment closed.
Segment closed†: Indicates whether the segment is currently closed, 1 is yes, 0 is no.
Last segment activity†: Date and time of the latest activity recorded on this segment.
Segment cumulative teammates: List of usernames of all teammates that were assigned or took action (including through personal rules) during the conversation segment.
† Data is not available for conversation segments closed prior to Jan 19, 2023.
Analytics are available on the Growth plan or above. Some legacy plans may have also this feature.