Use Front’s Support Report to share your team’s service metrics



Use Front’s Support Report to make your support team’s real-time metrics public to your customers. Share your service metrics to foster a culture of transparency and continuous improvement that builds trust with customers and drives growth for your business.

For a real-life example, you can check out Front’s own Support Report here: Once you configure your custom report following the instructions below, you’ll be able to publish a similar page with no web development resources required.


To publish a Support Report, you must have:


Part 1: Set up analytics views

Create analytics views to define the data you’d like to include in your Support Report. 

Step 1

Open Front Analytics by clicking the Analytics icon in the top navigation bar.

If you have multiple workspaces, choose the desired workspace from the workspace dropdown.

Step 2

Click Add view, then use the filters to focus on the data you’d like to display in your report. See this article to review how to create an analytics view.

In this example, we’ll create a view that filters on members of the Support team and their email inbox:

  • Inbox filter: Select email inbox(es)

  • Teammates filter: Select Customer Support teammate group

Step 3

Click Save as new and fill out the fields in the pop-up to save the view.

Step 4 (optional)

If needed, continue creating views for any additional combinations of inboxes, teammates, or other filters.

Part 2: Set up report metrics

Configure custom headers and descriptions for the metrics in your report.

Step 5

In Analytics, select Support Report in the left navigation panel.

Step 6

Enter an internal name for your report, then select the time zone the report will use.

Step 7

In the Metrics section, click Add metric. In the panel on the right, fill in the following fields:

  • Title: External title for your metric

  • Description (optional): External information you want to provide about your metric. e.g. Define how you measure your metric, explain your process, etc.

  • Metric type: Select from Average Response Time, First Response Time, or CSAT

  • View: Select the analytics view used to generate data for the metric

Step 8

Click Save to add the metric to your report.

Step 9

Continue adding metrics to your report as needed, then click Save to save the entire report.

You come back to this page any time to reorder, edit, or delete your metrics.

Part 3: Publish report

Use your knowledge base to publish your Support Report metrics and make them publicly available.

Step 10

Click View in Knowledge Base in the banner at the top to navigate to your knowledge base. 

You can also click the Knowledge Base icon in the top navigation bar, select your knowledge base, click the Settings tab, then select the Support Report tab.

Step 11

In the Visibility section, check the box for Display Support Report. Select the workspace and the report you created in Analytics. You can also exclude weekends from your report to smooth out gaps in data if your team is not working.

Step 12

In the Hero content section, add a public-facing title and description for your report. Optionally, use the Hero action section to add a URL and direct your customers to a supporting resource.

Step 13

Click Save to publish the Support Report to your knowledge base.

Viewing your report

Once your Support Report is published, customers can find it in the footer of your knowledge base.


How many Support Reports can I set up?

You can set up one Support Report per workspace.

Can I use one Support Report with multiple knowledge bases?

Yes. You can select the same Support Report across multiple Front Knowledge Bases.

Can I preview my Support Report before publishing?

No. If your knowledge base is published, your Support Report will be published and live when you save your settings in the Support Report tab in your knowledge base.

As a workaround, you can create a second, unpublished knowledge base to preview your Support Report.

Can I embed my Support Report on an external page?

Yes. You can embed the charts from the Support Report on a page you host using the Knowledge Base public API. Use the route https://[yourkbdomain].com/en/support-report.slim. Your Front Knowledge Base and Support Report both need to be published.

Can I use individual analytics views?

No. Support Report metrics only support shared views.


This feature is available on the latest Growth plan or above.