Installing Front Chat on a Squarespace website


Squarespace is a website builder that provides users an easy way to create a website. You can add a Front Chat widget to your Squarespace site to interact with your customers in a couple of steps.


Step 1

Click Settings on the left-hand column.

Step 2

Click on Advanced (also on the left-hand column).

Step 3

Click on Code Injection (also on the left-hand column).

Step 4

Add your code snippet by clicking into your Front Chat channel in Front Settings and copying the code displayed in the Code Snippet section, and paste it into the Footer section. 

Here's an example of what that of a code snippet will look like:

<script src=""></script> <script>  window.FrontChat('init', {chatId: 'b107a36...', useDefaultLauncher: true}); </script> 

If you need help on this step, refer to How to set up a Front Chat inbox in Front.

Step 5

Click Save Settings.