Shared inboxes merge duplicates by default


When you have shared inboxes added to Front within the same workspace, emails that are addressed to multiple shared inbox addresses will be automatically merged into one master copy to reduce the amount of work your team has to do. Any replies, comments, and actions done in one inbox will be reflected in the other inbox so that the whole team has transparency on who has already handled the email. Chances are, not every person needs to see the email; what's important is that the inquiry is handled as efficiently as possible.

How it works

Activities and messages

When an email is merged by being addressed to multiple shared inboxes, activities and messages happening in one inbox will be visible in all other inboxes, unless the inboxes haveĀ been set to keep copies separate. For instance, these actions will show in all inboxes:

  • Inbound and outbound messages. Note: Even if your customer later removes one of the shared inbox addresses, the email will remain shared and visible since it's already in the shared inbox.

  • Shared tags added.

  • Comments and mentions in the thread.

  • Assignment activity.

  • Status actions such as archiving, reopening, snoozing - if the action is made to the shared copy, not a subscriber Shared with me copy (which is private to the subscriber).

Send & Archive from one shared inbox to another

If you compose a message using a shared inbox to another shared inbox, then press Send & Archive, this will result in only one outbound copy of the email that will be in an archived status in both inboxes. Front will not create another inbound copy in the destination inbox since the inboxes are shared and emails are de-duplicated by default. In fact, Front replaces this type of internal communication with the Discussions feature, in which you can send a Discussion to a shared inbox instead of sending an email.

Keep actions separate between shared inboxes

Of course, there will be cases when you actually do want a shared inbox to always keep its own copy of an email when it's sent to multiple shared inboxes. Click here to learn more and how to set it up.