Installing Front Chat on a site



The steps you need to take to install Front Chat on Squarespace varies from our regular instructions for installing Front Chat, as Squarespace requires you to add code blocks to your site in a specific way. This guide should help you navigate those restrictions, and get Front Chat installed on your Squarespace site.

Note: You may need to upgrade to the Squarespace Business plan in order to insert Javascript code into your site. See the Squarespace Code Blocks documentation for full details.


Step 1

Start by following the Adding your inbox steps in our How to set up a Front Chat inbox in Front guide to create a new Front Chat channel and inbox. 

Step 2

Log in to your Squarespace account, and click on the site you need to edit.

Step 3

Scroll to the bottom of your site, and click to edit the bottom-most block (likely the Footer bottom block).

Step 4

Click the ➕ icon in the bottom right corner of your page to Add Block.

Step 5

Select the Code block.

Step 6

Select the HTML option, and do not check the Display Source checkbox.

Step 7

Here you should be able to paste the Front Chat code snippet that is listed in your Front Chat channel settings in Front.

Step 8

Click Apply and publish your site to see Front Chat render on your site.


This feature is available on all plans.