Understanding dynamic variables



Dynamic variables are options you can build within Smart Rules, chatbots, macros, and more that adapt to the different traits of the conversations and actions in Front. This way, one rule, condition, or action is able to replace multiple static, hardcoded options.

Variable types

The various dynamic variable options are categorized into different types, and the type will determine what type of action you can ultimately run with the variable. Here are the different variable types:

  • Text

  • Email

  • URL

  • Number

  • Teammate

  • Inbox

  • Tag

  • Boolean (true/false)

  • Date

  • Lists (see next section)

Variable lists

When you are using a certain variable type and want multiple options within that type, such as multiple teammates or inboxes to choose from, then the variable type turns into a List. For instance, you could have a Teammate List or Inbox List.

Within the dynamic variable, here are the actions you can take on lists:

  • Select an element in the list (1st, last or Nth). Using First element is the go-to method to transform an X list variable into Type X.

  • Sort the list based on fields of list elements

  • Filter the list to keep only element matching a filter. This returns a smaller list. Example: You can filter a teammate list to keep only the available ones.

  • Find in elements to keep the first element of the list matching a condition. For an X list this returns a variable of type X.

  • Map the list to create another corresponding list. Example: From a teammate list, you can create the list of emails of those teammates.

Rule conditions for each type

In your Smart Rule, the specific If filters and Then actions in the rule are compatible with specific variable types you create. Below is a chart of some examples of which rule conditions work with which variables, and also whether the action is compatible with the List version of the variable.




Add links






Move to inbox






Most text-based conditions

Text, URL, email


Related guides

  1. Smart Rules: Get an introductory orientation on Smart Rules and the related resources.

  2. Smart Rules use cases: Gain inspiration from common ways to leverage Smart Rules to supercharge your workflows.

  3. How to build a Smart Rule: Learn how to build a Smart Rule with step-by-step instructions and screenshots.

  4. Guide to dynamic variables: Check out the glossary of all the different steps and options you can have in dynamic variables.


This feature is available on the Scale plan or above.