How to use the participants menu



The participants menu gives you an easy way to manage access to a conversation. You can see who's involved in the conversation and when they’ve last read it, so you can stay on the same page.

You'll see the menu button at the top right of the conversation. When there are participants in the conversation who have viewed, commented, replied, or subscribed to it, you'll see their avatars listed here.

What can you do in this menu? 

See who's involved in the conversation

Teammates will be shown in this menu when they participate in the conversation — when they comment, @mention a teammate, reply directly, or subscribe to the conversation. Their avatars will be shown in color when they are reading the conversation or have already read the latest message or comment. Avatars will be shown in black and white if there is new activity in the message they haven't seen, and their status will say Unread.

See who has unsubscribed from the conversation

If a participant has unsubscribed from the conversation or only viewed the conversation without taking any actions, they will be listed under the Not subscribed section. You'll need to @mention them again for them to see the latest message or comment.

Invite teammates to the conversation

Open the menu and click the + sign to invite teammates to join the conversation. This is an alternative to @mentioning them in a comment. Inviting a teammate or @mentioning them will put the conversation in their Shared with me folder in their inbox. 

When it's in a shared inbox where members of that inbox have access to it by default, you'll see a people icon. When the conversation is in a private inbox and there are no other participants, you'll see a lock icon.

Remove teammates from the conversation

You can hover over a teammate's name to remove them from the conversation in certain cases.

You can remove teammates when: 

  • It's a private conversation they did not originally have access to

  • The conversation is in a shared inbox they do not have access to

You cannot remove a teammate when: 

  • They were an original recipient of the conversation. For example, if an email was sent to, Sarah cannot be removed from the conversation.

  • They have access to the shared inbox where the conversation is. For example, if the conversation is in the Support inbox, and you have access to the Support inbox, you cannot be removed.

  • They have access to your delegated inbox, in which case they can see all your individual (private) inbox conversations by default.

What happens after you remove a teammate? 

  • The teammate will not be able to search for the conversation or see it in their Shared with me tab.

  • If they are cc’ed on the thread going forward, they’ll see a new copy of the conversation in their individual inbox.