How to automatically BCC another email address



Front allows you to auto BCC another email address. Doing this will automatically add the address when you compose a new message or reply to a message. This is a very common workflow when using a CRM, like Salesforce, because it can give sales reps the option to track sent emails to prospects and customers. 


Step 1

Click the gear icon on the top right of Front and into the Company or Personal settings tab, depending on which space you are working with. Admins can also access user settings by following these steps.

Step 2

Click Channels on the left menu and select the channel you want to add an auto BCC to.

Step 3

Click the Settings tab at the top, then scroll down and expand the Auto BCC section. Toggle on Add Bcc to all outgoing emails, then paste the address that you'd like to automatically BCC.

Step 4

Click Save to finish.