Archived with reply

Term name

Archived with reply


Track handled conversations that required interaction with your customers, as opposed to conversations that were Archived without reply.


Example use case: Track the workload of your teammates that required them to communicate with your customers.


Count of conversation segments that were archived or snoozed during the time period of the report and remained archived at the end of the time period, and had at least one reply sent at any point in time in the past.

Location & attribution

  • Overview report

    • Main Metrics cards

  • Conversations report

    • Conversation Flows chart - Named Replied to → Closed workload in this report

    • Inboxes table - A conversation is counted for an inbox if it the archive event happened that inbox. 

  • Team Performance report

    • Main Metrics cards

    • Team Performance table - A conversation is counted for a teammate if they performed the archive action.

  • Tags report

    • Tag Details table - A conversation is counted for a tag if currently labeled with the tag.


  • Auto-replies do not count as a reply. 

  • A reply is only counted if an inbound was received during the same conversation segment.

  • If a conversation segment is replied to and archived by multiple teammates within the analytics period: 

    • In the main metrics cards, it gets counted once as Archived with reply.

    • In the Team Performance table in the Team Performance report, each teammate is credited for the conversation in their Archived with reply metric.