How to open Front's composer from another app via mailto: hyperlinks



If your company uses a CRM or internal tool, you can increase productivity by creating direct links to compose an email from Front. You can also pre-fill the To or the Subject fields with your customer's information.

Like most email clients, Front supports mailto links. mailto links are used to automatically open an email composer: clicking on the hyperlink automatically opens the default email client, with the destination email address pre-filled.

With Front supporting SMS messages, clicking a link such as mailto:+14156667777 would also open Front's composer from an SMS inbox.


Go into your Personal Settings and select Preferences. Scroll all the way down the list to find the Default email client option, and click Make default.

If you do not wish for Front to be your default email client, but would still like the option to open the Front composer from a hyperlink, simply use mailto-frontapp: which will open Front's composer regardless of your default email client.

It is also possible to compose directly from Front's web application by linking to This does not require any preemptive configuration, you would only have to URL-encode the mailto link.

Supported Options

We support the following optional options:

  • CCBCC: Additional recipients. You can pass multiple recipients if you separate them with commas.

  • From: Address of the source channel. It should be the address of a channel that you can access.

  • Subject: URL-encoded subject.

  • body for HTML or text for plain-text: URL-encoded body of the message (pass one or the other).

Click here to learn more about URL encoding and to URL-encode text.

Examples of supported options





