Sync custom fields from Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)



When you provision user access from Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to Front, all provisioned teammates’ names and emails will be synchronized from Azure AD. These instructions explain how to configure the integration to also synchronize a teammate custom field in Front from a user attribute in Azure AD.

These instructions assume you have already set-up user provisioning with Azure AD, as explained in this article.

Supported custom fields

This table summarizes which custom field types in Front can be synced from a user attribute in Azure AD.

Front custom field type

Azure AD attribute type




Azure AD attribute is the inbox ID






Referenced object attribute: urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User

The referenced user must also be provisioned access from Azure AD to Front.







Yes or no



Sync custom fields from Azure AD to Front

These instructions take the example of syncing the default manager field in Azure AD to a teammate custom field in Front called Line Manager, which is of type teammate.

Step 1

In Front, go to your company settings, then navigate to Custom fields in the left menu, and click on the Teammates tab.

Step 2

Hover over the custom field you wish to sync, and click on three-dot menu. Click Copy custom field ID.

Step 3

In your Azure Active Directory home, click Enterprise applications and select your app. In the left panel, navigate to Provisioning, then click on Edit provisioning.

Step 4

In the Mappings section, click Provision Azure Active Directory Users.

Step 5

Scroll down the page, and select Show advanced options. Then click Edit attribute list for custommapsso.

Step 6

You must add a new item at the bottom of the Attribute List table. For the name, combine urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:frontapp:teammate_custom_fields with the ID copied in Step 2.

For example: urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:frontapp:teammate_custom_fields:fld_e37

Step 7

For the attribute type, use the table above to select the correct Azure AD attribute type based on the Front custom field you are syncing to.

Step 8

If you selected the type as string, integer or boolean, leave the remaining columns blank.

If you selected the type as reference (for syncing to a Front custom field of type teammate), then select the object attribute urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User

Leave the remaining columns blank.

Step 9

Click Save to return to the attribute mapping page. At the bottom of the Attribute Mappings table, click Add New Mapping.

Step 10

In the Edit Attribute form, enter the following information:

  1. Mapping type: Direct

  2. Source attribute: Select whichever Azure AD user attribute will be mapped to the Front custom field e.g. manager

  3. Default value: Leave blank

  4. Target attribute: Select the attribute created in step 6

  5. Match objects using this attribute: No

  6. Apply this mapping: Always

Step 11

Save this new attribute and confirm. The attribute mapping is now complete.


Will I be able to update a custom field in Front that is synced to a user attribute in Azure AD?

Front does not restrict the editing of custom attributes that are synced. However, the value can be overwritten at any time if an update is pushed from Azure AD.