Install Front for your teammates on Windows


đź’ˇ This installation method applies to a subset of Windows users that may require their admins to use this specific type of installation. Please review the article to determine if this is the installation type you need.


Teams that use Windows and require a machine-wide installation for all users to access Front, as opposed to each user installing onto their own profile, will need an admin or your IT team to install the Front desktop app. Some cases that call for this installation method may be:

  • An admin is provisioning Front on a new desktop where the intended user’s account hasn’t been created yet.

  • An admin is remotely deploying Front using systems management software running in a system account where it is easier to install to C:\Program Files, instead of the local user profile.

  • Many users are remotely logging into a Remote Desktop or Citrix server, and it would be difficult to manage and wasteful to have per-user installations, so the admin provisions a single copy of Front to C:\Program Files.

For these cases, Front provides a machine-wide installer that installs Front to the C:\Program Files directory.

If you are looking for the general Front installer that most users download for Windows, it is available at This will install a per-user copy of Front to the user’s %LOCALAPPDATA% directory (C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local).

Install Front machine-wide installer

.exe installer

Step 1

Download the installer. The installer file should be named FrontSetupMachine.exe

Step 2

Option 1

The installer can be run interactively by double-clicking on it. Front will launch as soon as it is installed.

Option 2

To run the installer silently (as when using a systems management tool like SCCM or Group Policy), use the /S option:

FrontSetupMachine.exe /S

Front will not launch automatically when installed silently using the /S option.

.msi installer

We have .msi installers available at:

Updating Front machine-wide installer

When new updates are available, the user will be prompted to restart the app to apply the update.

If the user does not have permissions to run the update installer on the Windows machine, an admin or IT team will need to push out the update using the same installation steps above.

Disable auto-updates in Windows

An admin can disable auto-updates for the Front desktop app on Windows by setting a DWORD registry value DisableAutoUpdate=1 at key HKLM\Software\Front (key will need to be created if not already present).

App release updates

If you disable app updates as outlined above or just want to stay informed, check out our Desktop Release Notes.


Does Front support installation on Windows Virtual Desktop?


What is the typical Front desktop app update schedule? 

The desktop app update schedule is not fixed and is updated as required, but you can typically expect monthly updates. You can subscribe to our Desktop Release Notes page to receive notifications when the desktop app is updated.Â