Intro to accounts
Understanding Front accounts
Accounts within Front represent the companies or organizations that your team works with. Each account contains contacts , which are typically the in...
Accounts quickstart guide
Accounts within Front represent the companies or organizations that your team works with. Each account contains contacts , which are the individual p...
Add accounts to Front
Upload accounts with a CSV
You can quickly import up to 3000 accounts at a time into Front using a comma delimited CSV file. Accounts represent the clients or organizations th...
Microsoft Dynamics 365 accounts sync
Front’s Microsoft Dynamics 365 sync feature allows you to automatically sync accounts from Dynamics 365 into Front. After you’ve synced accounts into ...
Salesforce accounts sync
Front’s Salesforce sync feature allows you to automatically sync accounts from Salesforce into Front. After you’ve synced accounts into Front, your te...
Sync HubSpot companies to Front accounts
Front’s HubSpot sync feature allows you to automatically sync companies from HubSpot into Front. After you’ve synced your companies into Front account...
Other account features
Use accounts and contacts in rules to automate conversations
You can use rules to automatically tag conversations, assign to specific teammates and more, based on your customer data. There are several options to...
Custom account fields
Front allows you to add additional custom fields to accounts; such as Revenue , Account Manager , or Account Tier . These account custom fields wil...