Setting up SendGrid SPF/DKIM DNS records in Porkbun



SPF/DKIM records are industry-standard security mechanisms that authorize Front to send emails on our customers’ behalf. When you add a SMTP email channel, it’s critical to correctly configure SPF/DKIM records for your email domain because they reduce the risk messages you send from Front will be marked as spam in your recipients’ inbox. Here is how to set up the records if you use Porkbun as your DNS.

Don’t use Porkbun? Follow the instructions here instead.


⚠️ Note that during this process you should add three new DNS records only. It is important that you do not modify any of your existing DNS records, as doing so may result in deliverability problems.

Step 1

Log in to your 🐷 Porkbun account.

Step 2

From your home dashboard, click the DNS option on the domain name you'd like to configure, and you'll see a popup prompt, allowing you to add a new DNS record.

Step 3

You'll add three new records to your DNS configuration: MX, SPF, and DKIM. These records correspond to the values you see in the Deliverability settings panel for your domain.

Step 4

For your new MX record, select the "MX" type record, and add the record details as described in your  Front Deliverability Settings page. Optionally add a note to remind yourself and your team what this record is for. Click Add when you're finished.

Step 5

For your new SPF record, change the Type dropdown to TXT, then enter the details of the new record as described in your Front Deliverability Settings page. Optionally add a note to remind yourself and your team what this record is for. Click Add when you're finished.

 Step 6

Follow the same procedure as Step 5 for your DKIM record.

 Step 7

You're done! Click back into your Front Deliverability Settings page, and click the Check DNS settings button to have Front confirm your records have been configured as expected.

As always, please contact us if you have any trouble configuring these records.